Multi version upgrade shortcut/tips

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Article ID: 45
Created On: Oct 27 2006 02:27 AM

Answer ** ALWAYS, full backup before you start, site in maintenance mode. Take your db backup after you are in maintenance mode so that there is no new data after the backup before you start.

Each version needs to be upgraded, no versions can be skipped.
Here are some shortcuts when doing a multiversion upgrade, but you have to be organized so things don't go awry.

Make a staging directory on your computer, call it 'readyforupload' (or name it as desired). Then take each upgrade zip you need and unzip to that directory IN ORDER. You will be overwriting some files, make sure you overwrite them with the newer ones in each version.

Then go to the language files and merge new changes to your online ones (open each file, copy all new content from new versions (near the bottom of the file listed by version number), paste to existing language file on the site). Then delete the language files from the readyforupload directory so you don't overwrite the custom ones on the site when you upload.

Then copy the existing dbconfig.php file from the site, place it in the readyforupload/includes/directory but name it dbconfigxxx.php (replace xxx with your current version) so you have a backup of it for quick reference. Take the dbconfig-new.php from the readyforupload/includes and rename it to dbconfig.php, edit with your db info, workdir path, cookie domain and remove the needsedit line at the top. Now it is ready for upload.

Now the templates... we recommend Beyond Compare to compare the new templates to your current ones, move new changes to your templates if they are customized.
You may need another temporary directory for this template procedure, when you are done, the newly edited custom templates should be in the readytoupload/templates/yourtheme directory. (replace yourtheme with your theme name, business will be there by default, rename if necessary so the upload uploads the templates to the selected theme directory).
Now they are ready for upload.

Now upload to the site, overwriting existing files. Make sure that you use binary mode with an ftp client that can handle encoded files.
Total Commander is recommended.

Surf to and run each update file within the install directory IN ORDER!

Delete the install directory.

Read all readme files (should all be in the docs directory one for each version.) They contain information on any settings that will need to be addressed in the AWBS admin area after the upgrade.
It would be good to read them before you start so you know what you are 'in for', so to speak....
A running changelog for all versions can be found at:

** ALWAYS, full backup before you start, site in maintenance mode.

*** Note: Very old versions such as DRAMS Plus and Standard had update scripts in the tools directory. This procedure is only recommended for AWBS 2.0.0 and up. Prior versions of DRAMS should be upgraded one at a time.