Apr 19 2024 
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The knowledgebase is organized into different categories; please select a category that you are interested in. You can also search the entire knowledgebase by entering keywords in the navigation bar beside this text.

 How do I change the text on the home page?
 All site text is edited in the language files with the exception of images or things entered in the configuration area.Make sure you have completed your configuration, then edit text in the language files found in the includes/la
 Blank pages
  1. Corrupt files. Make sure you have uploaded the files in binary mode.2. Incompatable ioncube loaders. If your system has ioncube installed at system level, you can copy the loaders from the AWBS zip to the location your system has them installed
 I have my own payment gateway, can I integrate it?
  Most likely. It depends upon if your processor's gateway has an API or callback system. You will need programming skills and our devkit. To obtain the devkit, visit the AWBS download area wh
 Can I change the currency?
 Yes, you can set any currency you desire. Only one currency is supported at this time. Your payment gateway/processor must accept the currency you configure.
 How can I change the order of the TLD's dispalyed on the home page search box?
 Login as super admin. Click the configuration button. Click the TLD Setup/Pricing link.Use the 'pos' column to setup your tld order. Start at 0 and increase the numbers in order of preference.Note: All tlds with same
 I want to change first client and invoice number so that they don't begin from 1
 Use phpmyadmin. Navigate to the users table Use the operations button, change auto_increment as desired.Do the same for the client_invoices table to change the starting in
 Where can I set the required fields for new accounts?
 Configuration >> Create Account RequirementsSet required fields to a value of 1, non required fields to a value of 0.There are also settings for the user domain profile required fields.
 How do I change the date format?
  Edit the includes/language/english/global.php file.Look for;$date_short = "%m-%d-%Y";$date_long = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M";Set as desired.This will set the date
 Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://www.your_awbs_site/. Operation Aborted. Firefox works fine.
  This is a common problem if there is some html code problems in your templates.Most often it is in the top.php template file, or bottom.php. If you get the error on every page of the site, check top.php first. Lo
 Can I translate AWBS to my language?
 The user web interface is translatable to your desired language. Language files are text based files for easy translation.The admin interface is not translatable and only comes in English.
 Can I change the way the human verification looks?
 Yes, you can edit the includes/captcha_config.php fileYou can also configure the numbers and letters it uses in the Extended System Configuration page of the AWBS Configuration area.
 How do I run a script for Addons?
  AWBS already has the coding in place to allow custom scripts to be run for Addons:if(file_exists(WORKDIR."/includes/addons/".$addonname.".php")){So if you create this file ($addonname is Package Name), your sc
 Users cannot create accounts due to bad characters
 Bad character checking can be disabled on the create account by adding the following Extended Config key/value:key: skipcaregexvalue: 1
 User gets a Bad Character error when creating a domain profile
 Bad character checking can be disabled for Domain profiles by adding the following Extended Config key/value:key: skipdpregexvalue: 1
 How do I run a custom Script for 'Other' Packages?
 As of version 2.6.1 you can run a custom script for 'Other' Packages.  To make use of this, open your 'Other' Package setup, select the package you want to do this with, and note the Package Name: (NO spaces!) field for use later.  On this screen, look
 Can I remove your copyright from the site?
  Unlike many of our competitors, AWBS does not place any copyright on the user web interface, so you will never have our copyright showing to your customers.
 News articles only show up on the index page, I want to put them in the left.php template
 Edit the includes/gparser_user.php.sample file to gparser_user.php and add this into that file:$news = build_news("1","5");$template->set_var("news", $news);
 I set my direction to rtl and all checkboxes have another checkbox to the left edge of the screen
 For rtl, edit the js/common/moocheck.js file, set the 'left' to 'right' where you see;c.setStyle('left','-9999px')
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