Jul 27 2024 
Support Center » Knowledgebase
Knowledgebase Categories
The knowledgebase is organized into different categories; please select a category that you are interested in. You can also search the entire knowledgebase by entering keywords in the navigation bar beside this text.

Account/License Info (9) Administration (12)
Do you offer refunds?Can i switch my leased license to full owned license?more topics Possible Hijacking emailAllow zero amount in checkoutmore topics
AWBS Partner Opportunities (2) Billing (7)
AWBS Affiliate ProgramAWBS Reseller Programmore topics Allow zero amount in checkoutYour site says 2checkout recurring payment is partly supported. What does that mean?more topics
Customization (18) Domain Registrar Module (9)
How do I change the text on the home page?Blank pagesmore topics Invalid client IP: xx.xx.xx.xxHow do I restart a domain transfer if it has failed without charging the customer again?more topics
DRAMS 4 and older (2) Installation (26)
How to get AWBS - I have DRAMS 4I have a DRAMS 4.x license, can I change my licensed domain name?more topics includes/dbconfig.php has not been edited!!. Correct and then restart installCart empty, only occurs when adding a new domain to the cart.more topics
New AWBS License Orders (5) Presales (9)
Where's my license file?I have placed my order for AWBS and paid, where do I download?more topics Licensed domain name or subdomain, what should I enter?more topics
Support Services (4) Upgrading (14)
I purchased from a reseller, where do I get support?What do I get with a support contract?more topics How to get AWBS - I have DRAMS 4Blank pagesmore topics
Hosting Modules (2) Troubleshooting and Testing (4)
Plesk: error 2204 Unable to update hosting preferences. Unable to add SiteBuilder site: sbmng failed: Login failed for user 'sb_user'Plesk: How do I enable the API-XML for Reseller accounts to work with AWBS?more topics How do I enable error logging in my PHP?Blank pages - all pages after installmore topics
 Invalid client IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
 If you get the invalid client IP error when testing your enom connection, running a domain order from the queue, or when managing a domain name on the site, you dont have API access to enom. Open a ticket at enom and ask for API access
 Main Categories
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